Client: La Française Real Estate Partners International (LFF)

An institutional real estate invesment manager with offices throughout
Europe, the US and Asia.

Location: Ma´ro, Neue Mainzerstrasse 80, Frankfurt, Germany
Architect: Eike Becker_ Architekten
Developer: Groß & Partner
Role: Project management for the design and tenant fit out of LFF’s new head office

As LFF grew out of its old offices at Opern Platz, they moved into an elegant, newly
developed Class A office building in Frankfurt´s lively city centre.

Demucho supported in defining the tenant’s key criteria and optimizing the floor plan to fit
the organisation´s needs, corporate culture and new way of working.
At the start of the process Demucho checked on the technical and product quality of the fit
out delivered by the Landlord and managed optimizing the tenants specifications as part of
the lease negotiations.
During tenant fit out construction Demucho reviewed and optimized the technical design
drawings and coordinated with the IT specialist, to ensure the technical quality and design as
set by LFF would be delivered by the Landlord.
Demucho managed the procurement of the loose furniture and designed the fixed kitchen
elements with the Landlord´s supplier.

Photography by Lars Pillmann

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